k-takahashi's blog


ポケモン GO

よく話題になる『艦これ』のサーバ増強とか、最近だとFate GOのサーバの話があったが、今回のはそれこそ桁違いにでかい。Ingressという経験、Googleの支援があったとはいえよく対応しているなと思っていたら、

Pokémon Go collects significant amounts of data on each of its users, most notably location and movement data.

Google Cloud-powered Pokémon Go struggles under heavy demand - DCD


Job listings explain that, to run the company’s real world gaming platform, employees must “work on real-time indexing, querying and aggregation problems at massive scales of hundreds of millions of events per day, all on a single, coherent world-wide instance shared by millions of users.”

Google Cloud-powered Pokémon Go struggles under heavy demand - DCD



Amazon Web Services CTO Werner Vogels tweeted: “Dear cool folks at @NianticLabs please let us know if there is anything we can do to help! (I wanted that drowzee)”.

Google Cloud-powered Pokémon Go struggles under heavy demand - DCD
