k-takahashi's blog


Experts to United Nations: hentai ban would be a mistake


A United Nations committee is circulating a draft document that could bring in a global ban on the sexual depiction of minors in drawings and cartoons, including lolicon and shotacon hentai—a Japanese comic book artform—and it has human rights experts worried.


In the meantime, let’s focus our attention back on the real children that we know are being harmed, rather than the fantasy children who can’t be.




Who is behind the proposed ban?

ECPAT—a private, non-governmental organization—has now succeeded in exporting relevant parts of its Luxembourg Guidelines into a form that is one step closer to being international law. And that’s a concern.

 とのこと。ECPATジャパンについては https://togetter.com/li/240631 という記録も残っている。


で、上記 PROSTASIA のページの署名がそれほど増えていないというツイートがあったんだが、それは無理ないかと。
二次元規制反対に署名するということは、規制強化派(御存知の通りの方々)のターゲットにされるということで、https://mainichi.jp/articles/20180511/k00/00m/040/052000c なんてニュースを見た人なら二の足踏むよ、そりゃ。