k-takahashi's blog



マイクロソフト フライトシミュレーター終了か?

Microsoft has closed completely its Aces Studio, the game group that developed and maintained Flight Simulator, sources close to the company confirmed. Aces’ other franchises include Combat Flight Simulator and Train Simulator. All About M…

食事を控えると、記憶力が上がる(Eat Less, Remember More)

In this study, scientists asked 50 elderly women to cut the number of calories they consumed by a third. After three months, the researchers found that the dieters were not only slimmer, but they were better than they had been at memorizin…


今日、同僚が話してくれた仮説。 確かに不景気ではあるのだけれど、マスコミが不景気、不景気と大騒ぎする一番の理由は、マスコミの業績が大幅に落ち込んでいるから。その業績の落ち込みを「自分のせいじゃない、不景気のせいだ」としたいから実際以上に大騒…
